
27 Game Reviews

4 w/ Responses

3 reviews are hidden due to your filters.

Very helpful the second time around for me

Having learned a good deal of Java in school allowed me to understand this tutorial so much more this time around. Very helpful topics, thank you so much for this, even if it's from '06 : )

I like where you're going with these.

Keep making more of these NG quizes, they're good. But it would be nice if you could add music to the next one, that could boost your score a lot and would be much more enjoyable to users.

LuckyLollipopLad responds:

Cheers. Bgm (or the lack thereof) seems to be the main complaint, and I'm one to listen to reviews.

Keep an eye out for #3. :-)

Very nice.

I like it how you made a Hannukah game and not a Christmas one, as we don't have that much Hannukah games. It was well made and really fun.

Had me entertained for a while.

Nice game, Tom. ALthough i know who Denvish is because i frequent the BBS, i do not know of this Denvish Day. Care to reply with a link which would inform me?

cool game!

I like it! Worthy of making front page! (yes, first review!)

PLEASE respond to this!

in the beginning, after i made the filling of the rectangle be a movie clip named "load_bar, i tried to right click the black border but it would only select a portion of it, like only one side of the rectangle of which i had right-clicked on. How do you select the whole border, not just one side of it? I would really appreciate if you would answer to this.

Sweet mines worth $49.44!

Nice concept. Heard that music alot on other flashes, but it's still good. Good job on this one. i would like to see interesting games like these from you.

One of the sweetest games on NG!

This game is a masterpiece. Definetly going on my favorites list.


white @KungFuCow


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